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The Best Advice I Can Offer You...

Glitter Explorer® admiring the views of Machu Picchu, Peru
Machu Picchu, Peru was on my bucket list for years. In 2021 I finally made it there. It was a magical experience words can't describe.

The best advice I can offer you is to go inward when it comes to finding direction and purpose in life. The world will push you to seek support, guidance, validation, love, etc., from external sources, but they don't tell you that seeking outward leads to a destructive addiction with symptoms including a lack of abundance, self-worth, confidence, and love.

So what does it mean to go inward, and how do you go about it? Let’s dive right in!

Going inward means looking within yourself for answers. It involves taking a moment to pause from your regular day-to-day activities and reflecting on your inner thoughts and feelings. Taking time to explore your inner self can lead to greater clarity about who you are and what you want out of life.

Developing an internal practice such as meditation or journaling can help you go inward on a regular basis. Meditation allows you to quiet the mind, while journaling allows you to reflect on what is going on in your head and heart. With both practices, it's important that you take the time to be honest with yourself, even if the truth isn't always pleasant. Doing this will help you develop solutions best suited to your unique circumstances.

Going inward isn't a one-time event - it requires continued effort and exploration over time in order for real personal growth to occur. This journey involves digging deep into aspects of yourself that may have been buried for many years, as well as tackling uncomfortable subjects such as fear and doubt. The rewards of this process include increased self-awareness, improved decision-making skills, better emotional intelligence, more meaningful relationships, and greater personal fulfillment overall.

In addition to meditation and journaling, there are other ways of going inward, such as yoga or nature walks. Any activity that allows you to connect with yourself on a deeper level can be beneficial when tapping into inner wisdom and guidance. But ultimately, it takes commitment on your part to consistently practice going inward for these efforts to pay off long-term in meaningful ways.

Glitter Explorer® meditating at Machu Picchu, Peru
I took time to do a small meditation at Machu Picchu, Peru. I wanted to connect with the land and the energy around me.

Practice Going Inward Every Single Day

Going inward and connecting with yourself daily is an essential part of self-care. It can help you to better understand who you are, how you feel and think, and what drives your actions and intentions. Practicing going inward every day can lead to greater clarity, insight, and presence in your life. Here are several ways to practice going or looking inward each day.

First, start the day with a few moments of being still and quiet. This could be done through mindfulness meditation, journaling, stretching, or simply sitting in silence. Taking time for yourself in the morning helps to set the tone for the rest of your day by allowing you to connect with yourself first before engaging with others. (This is also an excellent time to practice grounding and shielding, which can further help prepare you for your day and whatever it brings your way.)

Second, take time out throughout the day for self-reflection. This could be done by pausing for brief moments throughout the day to check in on how you’re feeling emotionally or mentally; it could also involve taking a break from work or other activities for longer periods of time throughout the day (such as during lunch) to reflect on your thoughts and feelings without any external distractions. Doing so will help you get in touch with what’s going on within and provide valuable insight into how you can respond more effectively in various situations.

Finally, end the day by reflecting on what happened throughout it – this could involve writing down three things that went well along with why they happened, jotting down lessons learned from difficult experiences, noting down any insights gained from conversations, or writing about something new you tried. Doing so will encourage reflection and self-awareness, both useful tools when it comes to understanding ourselves better over time and making better decisions moving forward.

By developing habits related to looking inward every day, we can become more aware of our inner workings – our motivations behind behaviors/actions/decisions, our strengths/weaknesses, our likes/dislikes, and what energizes us versus what drains us – which can all be used to craft a more fulfilling life over time. Going inward doesn’t have to be complicated. Often, simple practices such as those mentioned above can make all the difference in allowing us greater access to our inner worlds that remain hidden from view until we actively seek them out, again and again, each day.

Views from Machu Picchu, Peru.

Honor Your Inner Voice/Gut/Glitter/Inner Knowing

Honoring your inner voice can be one of the most empowering things you do for yourself. It is how you come to trust and listen to your own intuition. Practicing honoring your inner voice will give you insight and clarity on decisions, relationships, and paths you want to take in life.

The first step in honoring your inner voice is understanding it. Your inner voice may come in the form of a gut feeling, a dream, or a hunch. It’s important to discern between these feelings and the thoughts that come from fear-based thinking. To understand when it’s your inner voice coming through, try connecting with meditation or journaling practices that can help ground your energy and get connected to what lies within you.

It’s also important to remember that honoring your inner voice isn’t about avoiding challenging situations or being afraid of engaging with the outside world. Instead, it’s about trusting yourself enough to know when something feels wrong or off, even if everyone else is telling you otherwise. This way, you are always making decisions from a place of intuition rather than from external influences or an urge for approval from those around you.

Additionally, understanding yourself means learning about what blocks your inner guidance system — such as stress and lack of self-care practices — which can inhibit that connection with your higher self and internal wisdom. It is important then to practice mindful self-care, which can include yoga, exercise, getting enough sleep, eating healthy food that nourishes both body and mind, and engaging in activities that bring joy into life.

Understanding our environment can also help us tap into our inner voice more deeply. For example, being aware of how people treat us in different circumstances can give us insight into how we respond differently in different situations and how we react based on external conditions rather than following our true desires and values – which come straight from our internal navigation system - our own moral compass that knows right from wrong for ourselves without relying on others' judgment or opinion of what "is."

To truly honor your inner voice requires courage. It also requires taking risks with confidence, knowing at all times we are putting our best foot forward in any given situation with faith that we chose correctly despite any external pressures trying to guide us away from it - trusting ourselves over anyone else's opinion because we know our true intentions better than anyone else ever could. So, learn how to meditate or journal regularly to connect with this powerful source within – allowing it to lead us toward achieving great success no matter where life takes us next.

Build Trust in Yourself

Building trust in yourself is an essential part of personal growth and development. Unfortunately, it's often easier said than done, especially if you have experienced past trauma or bouts of low self-esteem. But with a bit of dedication and effort, you can create an environment where self-trust can thrive.

First and foremost, focus on being honest with yourself. Acknowledge your strengths, weaknesses, and blind spots without judgment (that’s a crucial detail). Accepting both your successes and failures is an integral part of developing trust in yourself. Recognize that mistakes can be learning opportunities rather than sources of shame or guilt. When it comes to decision-making, try to think through what makes logical sense for the future rather than just satisfying any immediate desires.

It's also helpful to replace negative self-talk with words of encouragement. Strive to be kind and compassionate towards yourself as you would be towards a friend in need. Observe the types of things you say when faced with challenges. Instead of giving up right away or telling yourself how much you suck at something, focus on the things that will help move you closer to your goals, such as “I'm going to take a break before I try this again” or “I am going to ask for help if I need it.”

Spend time each day affirming your worth and values. This could mean writing down three positive affirmations about yourself at the end of each day or journaling what makes you unique each morning before starting your day. This exercise helps build strength over time by focusing on the things that make you feel good about who you are without dwelling too much on external validation from others.

Find activities that make you feel confident about who you are and connected to something greater than yourself, whether volunteering at a local shelter or joining a group fitness class every week. This can do wonders for building self-trust. It's also helpful to set realistic goals for yourself while considering other aspects of life, such as work or family commitments. Reframing failures into learning experiences can go a long way in building confidence. Instead of beating yourself up over not completing all items on your list one day, recognize that it's normal to have days where everything doesn't go according to plan while still celebrating successes.

Finally, remember that trust isn't built overnight—it takes perseverance and dedication but can be done with patience and practice. Building self-trust doesn't have to mean completely changing who we are - it simply means recognizing our worthiness within ourselves without relying solely on external validation from others around us for affirmation or approval whenever we think about doing something new.

Llamas and Alpacas are my favorite animals. In Peru they are everywhere and many are free roaming.

Seek Out Support to Help You Practice Going Inward

Going inward and finding a sense of peace within can seem daunting. It can be challenging to access the deep, inner parts of ourselves, so it is no surprise that many people find it hard to practice doing this daily. Fortunately, seeking out support to help you go inward can make a world of difference. Here are some tips on how to do just that.

First and foremost, find a support group or community that relates to your spiritual journey. There are many forums and websites dedicated to topics such as meditation, mindfulness, and spiritual practices in general. These communities provide an outlet for discussion and support from those who are also interested in inner growth and development. You can ask questions, share stories, and get advice from those on the same path.

You may also consider seeing a professional therapist, counselor, or coach who specializes in helping people go inward. This type of counselor will know techniques such as guided visualization, breath work, and other methods used for exploring our deeper selves. Your therapist may also teach you about self-reflection exercises that help you gain insight into your feelings and emotions on a deeper level.

Another way to seek support is by attending workshops or retreats focused on inner exploration. Whether a weekend retreat at a spiritual center or an online workshop series with expert practitioners, these experiences offer valuable guidance on going within safely and effectively. Plus, there's something special about being surrounded by like-minded people in person or virtually who are all on the same journey together.

If you're looking for more everyday ways to get started with going inward without leaving your home, consider reading inspiring books related to spirituality or listening to podcasts by experienced teachers who discuss everything from meditation principles to mindfulness practices. In addition, some apps offer quick lessons specifically designed for beginners looking for an easy way into their inner world.

Practicing going inward comes with its own set of challenges, but with the right kind of support, it can be done successfully over time. Find what works best for you, whether it's joining an online forum, getting professional counseling sessions, attending workshops/retreats, or using tech tools like apps – the important thing is to take action! The more often we put effort towards connecting with ourselves internally will open up more easily when we need guidance from our intuitive selves down the road too!

I took this picture on my iPhone 12 Pro. I still can't beleive this photo is mine. Living your BEST life is a choice. My only regret is taking so long to make that choice.

Find a Coach, Mentor, or Loved One That Will Ask Important Questions

When it comes to personal growth and development, having a coach, mentor, or loved one who can ask important questions can be invaluable. A good coach or mentor will challenge you to think critically, push you out of your comfort zone, and help you find answers to complex problems. They may also provide valuable feedback and advice on improving yourself and reaching your goals more quickly. They can remind you to ask important questions such as:

  • What do YOU think?

  • What do YOU want to do?

  • What is YOUR gut telling you?

  • How do YOU wish to proceed?

Loved ones can provide emotional support when times are tough, as well as ask hard questions that can define the direction of your life. They may not have the same skillset as professional coaches, but their insight can still prove incredibly helpful.

Finding a good mentor or coach is the first step in taking advantage of the opportunities presented by their guidance. It’s important to look for someone who has experience in the areas that you need help with—whether it’s career development, interpersonal relationships, creative projects, etc.—and make sure they have an understanding of what makes someone successful in those areas. Look for someone who understands the big picture of where you want to go so they can offer meaningful insight into how to get there. Additionally, personalities should be taken into account. Finding someone who resonates with you is important, so conversations don’t feel forced or overly clinical.

Much like finding a mentor or coach, finding an emotionally supportive loved one is also essential for personal growth and development. These individuals should understand your story and be able to ask tough questions without judgment or criticism. It’s also important to ensure these individuals are reliable and consistent in providing this type of support. Having an open dialogue about any issues that arise is key for them to stay on the same page about what type of guidance is needed.

In addition to seeking out mentors and loved ones that will ask important questions, it’s just as important (if not more) for individuals looking for growth within themselves to come up with their own set of meaningful inquiries that they need answers to. This self-reflection helps individuals gain clarity on what steps they need to take next in terms of bettering themselves and achieving their goals faster.

Overall, getting the right kind of support—professional guidance from a mentor/coach or emotional support from loved ones—can be an essential component in achieving personal growth and development goals faster than if attempted on one's own accord alone. As such, identifying these key people in life is worth putting some thought into. Carefully considering who fits this role best based on individual needs ensures that any time spent conversing with them won't lack substance but instead contains meaningful advice rooted with experience-based wisdom born from successes others have had before us, which we ourselves now aim for too.

I spent a lot of time in Peru studying mental health on what it means to them.

Conclusion: You are Worthy of Being Loved and Honored by You!

We all deserve to be loved, respected, and honored. Yet too often, we forget this truth, believing that our worth depends on what others think of us or the validation they offer. We forget that it must start with ourselves – that only when we can truly love and honor ourselves can we ever hope to receive such love from others.

It’s a common misconception that loving and honoring ourselves is selfish or egotistical - nothing could be further from the truth! Self-love is actually an essential part of living a healthy life and can help us better manage stress, set healthier boundaries in relationships, foster empathy for ourselves and others, and increase our overall sense of well-being.

In order to honor and love yourself effectively, you must first become aware of the beliefs you hold about yourself: your self-talk, those things you tell yourself internally throughout the day. For example, what do you say to yourself when faced with a difficult situation? Do you set realistic expectations for yourself? Do you give yourself permission to take time for rest and relaxation?

It's important to recognize how your thoughts shape your feelings about yourself and how others perceive you. If your self-talk is negative – full of criticism rather than kindness – then chances are your relationship with yourself isn’t very strong. But by choosing words of encouragement instead, setting positive intentions each day, and permitting yourself to make mistakes without judgment or guilt – you can begin the process of honoring and loving who you are today.

Self-care is another essential step in cultivating self-love. This means taking the time to nourish your body both physically and emotionally: eat nutritious foods, get plenty of restful sleep, and engage in activities that bring joy into your life, such as yoga or meditation or listening to music, or reading a book — whatever works best for YOU! You might also consider writing down everything that makes you unique — those special qualities which set you apart from everyone else — then commit them to memory so that each time doubt creeps in, they can be used as reminders of just how worthy and deserving you really are.

Finally, there’s no better way of showing love than simply being present with oneself. Spend some quiet time alone every day where all distractions are eliminated—give yourself the opportunity to check in with your thoughts, feelings, and emotions without judgment but rather with kind understanding. This practice will help cultivate a deeper connection between mind and body, which is essential for true self-love and acceptance.

So remember: You are worthy of being loved AND honored by YOU, and you can work toward this by going inward! It may not always come easily, but if given enough attention, it will eventually blossom into something beautiful because, at the end of the day, nothing else matters more than loving oneself fully, just as we are right now - imperfections included.

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